The chickens started producing eggs late this summer, some of the younger ones are just getting going now. We’re getting about a half dozen eggs a day- which is keeping our eggs stashed and giving some away to friends and family here and there! We’re new to this farming thing but from what I’ve read these girls are just getting started and egg production should pick up a little more. We’ve got one Americana that produces a blue egg- I love the variety of colors that I get each day.

We are down to 11 hens left. One had a cross-beak and died naturally. I think he had a hard time eating and drinking and her little body just couldn’t keep up. One was a rooster that didn’t behave- so we decided he had to go. Couldn’t have him attacking the kids. The rest have all been predators. We knew it would happen- that’s why I started with 18!
We are down to 11 hens left. One had a cross-beak and died naturally. I think he had a hard time eating and drinking and her little body just couldn’t keep up. One was a rooster that didn’t behave- so we decided he had to go. Couldn’t have him attacking the kids. The rest have all been predators. We knew it would happen- that’s why I started with 18!
In a couple weeks we’re going to mail order another round of baby chicks. I’m hoping to find some “olive-eggers” to add to my colored egg collection- and some white egg layers as I do not yet have any of those! Everyone always questions why we don’t wait until spring- and here’s the deal. Chickens don’t lay until about 20 weeks of age. In winter, natural egg production drops because of the cold. So, I’m making the best use of the time and raising the babies in the winter so egg production will be in full swing by spring!
Chirp! Chirp! I’m ready for another round of these cuties!
Fall cleanup has begun on the woods! It will be a work in progress over the next year but this past weekend we got a great start!
The bigger trees have been chopped for the wood stove for the winter.
And the rotten ones and the smaller ones have been turned into wood chips and stored in the woods for the spring garden!
Now, it’s a little cleaner at the entrance and you get a peek of the old Tobacco Barn.
And a (small) peek of the farmhouse from the road.

Even the girls and Laila got in on the action and helped to clean up and take pride in their home.

And last, we finally got the shed! Holding us over until the barn is built! Plans for the upcoming weekend? Organize the garage and basement. Are you coming to help? I’ll feed ya good!
Even the girls and Laila got in on the action and helped to clean up and take pride in their home.
And last, we finally got the shed! Holding us over until the barn is built! Plans for the upcoming weekend? Organize the garage and basement. Are you coming to help? I’ll feed ya good!
What’s to come in the spring? Well, it will be time expand the farm animals! We’re looking to get meat chickens, and two piggies.
Which means fencing must go in this winter, and we’re changing up the gardens a bit for next year and putting a more permanent (and pretty) fence around that area. And, there’s another big project coming to the farm! Fingers crossed for next summer, and I’m not yet going to share what it is- but I’ll just leave these two little teasers for you and tell you- if you’re on team Lash Out Loud with me- get EXCITED!!!
I won’t be spilling details until later! Thanks for stopping by!
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